My annual Drop of the best articles and other interesting things I've found on the internets in 2022. Mostly Developer focused.
Note: These are not necessarily things published in 2022, but the things I've discovered.
Best Articles
- If you only read one: The Elements of git
- Building A JavaScript Bundler
- How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
- Git commands explained with Cats
- Effective Code Browsing
- Reflections on 10,000 hrs of programming
Best Workflow Improvements
- Setting git diff to diff3 (thanks to this post)
Best Tool added to my Dev Toolbox
- jscodeshift and Powerful stuff.
Best Online Course
- Everyday Typescript (executeprogram) (paid) - one of the best online courses I've ever taken. Completely demystified TypeScript, especially around the why and how to resolve of type errors.
Other cool sh*t
- FreeTube is a private YouTube desktop client (I love the idea of having a dedicated client outside my browser tabs for YouTube in general)